About the Coalition

Who we are

The EU STEM Coalition is an EU-wide network that works to build better STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) education in Europe. Our goal is to shape STEM education policies and practices that foster economic growth, opportunity and well-being for all. Together with policy makers, education providers and industry, we work on promoting new ways of delivering education and finding and sharing evidence-based solutions to skills mismatch in STEM. From reducing shortages of STEM skilled people to fostering new ways in which educational institutions, companies and governments can cooperate, we provide a unique forum and knowledge hub for data and analysis, best-practice sharing and direct support 

  • "Structural cooperation between education providers and industry is key for future-proofing our education systems. The EU STEM Coalition plays an important part in this."
    Jeroen van der Veer
    Former CEO of Royal Dutch Shell

Our members

The EU STEM Coalition is at the heart of EU-wide cooperation between national STEM platforms. STEM platforms are national or regional organisations tasked with the coordination and implementation of the national and regional STEM strategies and policies. They include dedicated platforms, national ministries, regional authorities, research councils, innovation agencies and university networks and many more. The platforms work closely with our European partners and a range national and regional partners to address skills mismatch in STEM throughout the EU.

How we work

The EU STEM Coalition's main goal is to facilitate best-practice sharing between countries and regions. Through a wide variety of activities and resources we bring together policy makers and policy shapers to exchange ideas, share experiences, and develop new approaches across a range of areas related to STEM education and labour market. Our activities include annual conferences, thematic working groups, webinars, peer-learning activities and online repositories. In addition, the EU STEM Coalition provides direct support in the development of new initiatives, organisations and strategies based on existing best-practices. Its main support instruments are:

Policy briefings

Policy briefings are custom, tailored recommendation focused on a single issue or challenge in a country or region. 


Taskforces are longer-running series of support actions aimed at assisting a country, region or other stakeholder in the development of new (STEM) skills strategies, platform organisations and implementation programmes. 


Our 'roundtables' bring together key-stakeholders (e.g. employer organisations, engineering associations, education institutions, etc.) to identify bottlenecks in the (STEM) education pipeline and develop recommendations based on existing best practices.

The EU STEM Coalition plays a key role in supporting the objectives of the European Commission’s Digital Education Action Plan and the broader European Education Area 

Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth