CSR Ukraine

Country: Ukraine
Organisation role: National STEM platform
Organisation type: Association / network

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Founded in 2008, the Centre for CSR Development Ukraine is a non-profit expert organisation in corporate social responsibility. CSR Ukraine has 4 priority areas: CSR in conflict times, business-universities-schools cooperation, social responsibility of municipalities and state-owned companies.Within the priority area of "business-universities schools cooperation" CSR Ukraine works on STEM projects. In 2015 CSR established a National STEM Coalition with 20 member organisations (Universities, schools, companies and research institutes).

CSR Ukraine is a national partner of CSR Europe (Brussels, Belgium) and the World Business Council on Sustainable Development (Geneva, Switzerland).

Gender Equality Trainings and Audits:

For five years, CSR Ukraine has been a leader in promoting gender equality: together with UNFPA, we initiated the Declaration on Gender Equality and Combating Domestic Violence, conducted a number of studies on gender equality, and initiated the first Family-Friendly Index. Therefore, we conduct in-depth audits of gender equality organizations and make recommendations that later improve the corporate culture and gender equality in the company.