Girl Tech Fest is an initiative which aims to increase girls’ interest in science and technology. During Girl Tech Fest girls aged 10-12 are invited to a local library where the girls get to try programming and different technologies themselves. The programme is organised by NCSR in cooperation with IKT-Norway, Oda-network (organization for women working in ICT), TENK - Tech network for women (organization for women to inspire an encourage more girls to choose an education within technology)
While girls’ interest in science and technology decreases from around age 10-12 the boys’ interest does not decrease the same way (see: Corneliussen, H. G., (2021) Evaluering av Jenter og teknologi). That is why NCSR in cooperation with the partners listed above want to give the girls a day with only girls, where they can play and learn with technology on their own terms. As part of the programme, the girls meet female role models who work or study within technology, which may help them see themselves in such academical fields.
Currently, the NCSR is the national coordinator or project leader of Girl Tech Fest. This includes responsibility for the main event in Oslo and contact with, and support of, local libraries all around the country. Even though the coordination is done by NCSR, the project group is a collaboration between people from all four organizations involved.
The main objective of the program is to increase girls’ interest in technology, and in a longer term: increase the number of girls that choose to study and work within technology and programming. On process-level, the programme aims to spread Girl Tech Fest all around the country and increase the number of locations and girls who participate.