Norway | National Centre for... | Secondary Education

‘Choice of Education’ (Velgriktig) is a national website launched in 2009 that aims to inform young people, their parents and teachers about STEM education and careers. The website was developed following focus group...

EU | CEDEFOP | Vocational Education and Training (VET)
  • helping young people at risk of becoming early leavers to remain in education and training and qualify;
  • helping early leavers to reintegrate into education or training and the labour market.
Netherlands | PBT | Secondary Education

The VO-HO Netwerken (Secondary-Higher Education Networks) were set up in 2004 as part of the Deltaplan Bèta Techniek (Dutch national STEM strategy). The main goals of the networks are the...

Netherlands | PBT | Lifelong Learning / Upskilling

The healthcare sector is rapidly changing. To ensure the best possible care for everyone, healthcare professionals should adapt to these changes continuously. Zorgpact (Health Pact) is an initiative of the Dutch...
