On Novembver 16-18 a taskforce meeting took place in the margins of the World Robot Olympiad (Dortmund, Germany). The goal of the meeting was to explore potential collaboration opportunities between the Dutch National STEM Platform (PTvT) and the North Rhine-Westphalia STEM Platform (ZDI) in the area of robotics education and competitions. Multiple paths of collaboration were discussed, including connecting the existing Lego League and ZDI robotics activities and merging the pool of companies that contribute to the Dutch 'Career Day' activities and its ZDI counterpart. The lessons learnt from the World Robot League will also be further assessed by the Dutch FIRST Lego League team.
The objective of the meeting was two-fold:
Day 1
A networking dinner was organised for the participants of the Dutch and German (NRW) STEM platforms to get to know eachother and eachothers' organisations in an informal way.
Day 2: Work sessions
Representatives of both participating organisations met for a series of work sessions and discussions on the national / regional STEM landscape, existing robotics education activities and potential areas for cooperation. The presentations included:
A detailed overview of the content of each presentation can be found in the meeting documents via the 'Download' button.
The final part of work session was focused on exploring various possibilities for cross-border cooperation in the area of robotics education (see next steps below).
Day 3: World Robot Olympiad
During day 3 of the programme the World Robot Olympiad was visited where students from all over the world were competing in several different competitions concerning robot building (see background documents). Moreover, multiple student teams were showcasing their engineering projects.The purpose of the visit was to get inspiration and explore the various programme models that exist in robotics education.