The National MINT Forum describes itself as the "voice of MINT education" in Germany. We are an association of more than 30 large, nationally active organisations and institutes that are all involved in the field of STEM education along the entire education chain. Our members come from the following areas: Educational and corporate foundations, trade associations, university associations, non-university research institutions. Together with our members, we develop impulses and positions to strengthen STEM education for political communication. We organise parliamentary evenings, background discussions and do press and public relations work.
We basically want to build a stronger international network. The provision of education in general and STEM education in particular is still not innovative enough in Germany. We hope to gain impulses for our work in Germany through the EU STEM Coalition. In addition, many of our members, especially the foundations, are already active in the field of international cooperation - even beyond Europe. We may be able to incorporate these perspectives into the work of the EU STEM Coalition through our members.
Germany has been experiencing a massive shortage of skilled workers for years, especially in the STEM disciplines. Since 2019, the Federal Ministry of Education has launched several "MINT Action Plans" in an attempt to strengthen STEM education nationwide. Some of the state ministries are also trying to provide impetus through their own programmes. However, the massive shortage of teachers in the STEM field in particular is leading to a loss of competence among pupils. In Germany, there is a large and very active extracurricular learning scene that tries to cooperate with schools. Unfortunately, the structures and access are often difficult.
matrix gGmbH for the promotion of democracy, participation and sustainable social development is the non-profit company of the matrix group, where a total of around 70 people work. It bundles the numerous non-commercial projects and the matrix commitment.
These include:
The matrix gGmbH team works in close professional exchange with the matrix group to ensure a high quality of work, especially in the STEAM area.
One thematic and project focus at matrix is STEAM.
Overall, our projects give us a high level of expertise at the interface between formal and non-formal education.
The STEAMAction Plan is the strategic umbrella for existing funding measures of the FMER. Here, people along the education chain, from kindergarten to higher education and initial and continuing training, shall experience STEAM.
There is an active STEAM scene in Germany, but it varies depending on the federal state. While in North Rhine-Westphalia, with zdi.NRW, a systematic extracurricular STEM community has been growing for almost 20 years now. The federal networking agency "MINTvernetzt", which is funded by the FMER, aims to bring the entire STEAM scene in Germany closer together and create synergies.
MINTvernetzt is a nationwide umbrella organisation for German STEM education that caters to the STEM-educator community in Germany as a service and contact point. MINTvernetzt is part of the 'MINT Actionsplan' (STEM Action Plan) of the Federal Ministry of Education in Germany.
The main objectives of MINTvernetzt is to support STEM educators by providing:
In response to the diverse and heterogeneous landscape of learning sites, initiatives, actors and networks for STEM education, the MINTvernetzt-initiative aims to:
Was kann Europa von NRW lernen? Im Aufbau von nachhaltigen Strukturen zur MINT-Bildung so einiges. Deswegen sei die europaweite Vernetzung und das von- und miteinander Lernen so wichtig, machte der Parlamentarische Staatssekretär im Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft Klaus Kaiser beim Jahrestreffen des europäischen Projektes „EU-STEM Coalition“ in Kamp-Lintfort deutlich. In seinem Impulsvortrag fokussierte sich Kaiser auf vier Arbeitsschwerpunkte der Gemeinschaftsoffensive zdi.NRW: Partizipation, Mädchen und MINT, Kontextualisierung und außerschulische Lernorte.
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One-pager about one of the regional ZDI networks. This document was prepared as background information for the EU STEM Coalition Virtual Roundtable on June 8, 2021.
One-pager about one of the regional ZDI networks. This document was prepared as background information for the EU STEM Coalition Virtual Roundtable on June 8, 2021.