Country: Germany
Organisation role: National STEM platform
Organisation type: Association / network
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Best Practices:Background:
MINTvernetzt is a nationwide umbrella organisation for German STEM education that caters to the STEM-educator community in Germany as a service and contact point. MINTvernetzt is part of the 'MINT Actionsplan' (STEM Action Plan) of the Federal Ministry of Education in Germany.
The main objectives of MINTvernetzt is to support STEM educators by providing:
- networking spaces,
- knowledge transfer activities
- inspiration and incentive for innovation topics
- addressing broader and more diverse target groups in the process with a focus on girls and young women
In response to the diverse and heterogeneous landscape of learning sites, initiatives, actors and networks for STEM education, the MINTvernetzt-initiative aims to:
- Create a digital STEM platform to create direct access to and among all stakeholders concentrated on a digital platform
- Build an autonomous STEM community for networking, knowledge sharing, and strengthening purposes
- Help to amplify the impact as well as the degree of self-professionalization among our stakeholders
- Showcase best practice projects
- Improve the integration of in-school and extracurricular STEM education
- Promote the transfer of expertise from educational research to practitioners.
- To support stakeholders in disadvantaged regions to foster an equitable geographical distribution of STEM education opportunities
- Increase the number of STEM professionals and increase the proportion of women in these professions