The project "Towards a European STE(A)M Platform" (Erasmus+ KA3 Forward Looking Cooperation Project) was officially kicked off on February 20, 2020. The project aims to evolve the current EU STEM Coalition network into a full-fledged EU-level support centre for the national and regional STEM platforms as countries, regions and other stakeholders outside the network through a range of new and upscaled support actions, better EU-level (comparative) documentation and a new, more scalable decentralised structure of the network.
The goal of the meeting was to brief the partner organisations directly involved in the project on the overall objectives, key-elements and implementation of the project.
The meeting covered three main parts (see meeting agenda). The full minutes of the meeting can be reviewed by project partners only through the members' dashboard by logging in with your personal user account (see bottom-right of the page).