The First STE(A)M Education European Roadmap Seminar confirms: STE(A)M is the future of Education!
On 27 March 2024, the ...
EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Iliana Ivanova recorded a video message as a contribution to our event 'STEM for the...
On February 29th, the EU STEM Coalition hosted a gathering of approximately 80 stakeholders deeply involved in STEM education and policymaking at the North...
Click here for the Memorandum of the EU STEM Coalition.
Director of the EU STEM Coalition, Beatrice Boots, was recently interviewed by the German magazine ‘’Niederlande Nachrichten’’. Find below the English...
Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) looks at trends in international science and mathematics. It has been administered by the...
MINT is the German abbreviation for Mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology, otherwise known in English as STEM. The MINT ...
While only a platform for University data (thus excluding lower levels of education) and not being wholly focussed on STEM education, The Integrated...
NEAP Background
Because of the high degree of state autonomy in the US, each state has a unique educational curriculum which is determined by the...
The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, known as Cedefop, began work in 1975. They assist the EEC in understanding and encouraging...
The most crucial industries of today, whether it be semiconductors, the defence industry, agriculture, energy or health, all fundamentally depend on...
The EU STEM Coalition recently hosted its annual general assembly in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. In attendance were STEM platform representatives from all...
This newsletter contains the following articles:
- Best practice examples
- Welcome to the SEER network
- Report on round table on...
This is a description of the CoVE selection from the 2022 application period. It describes three of the CoVEs from this years selection, and provides a link...
The EU STEM Coalition's April 2023 Newsletter.
This Newsletter includes the following topics:
We had the opportunity to interview Stefanie Schlunk, who holds the chair of the largest STEM network in Europe, Science on Stage Europe. Here, you can find...
The round table meeting on missing data in Europe consisted of presentations on national data collection as well as international data collection. After the...
Day 1
A networking dinner was organised for the participants to get to know eachother and eachothers' organisations in an informal way....
Different presentations were held:
The focus of the TFM was divided into two parts:
1) the impact of non-formal learning activities on students deciding to choose the STEM career;...
Paradoxically, Nordic countries, which are usually renowned for their egalitarianism as well as devotion to gender equality, exhibit an alarmingly low rate...
We interviewed Mr. Dirk Bochar, Secretary General of ENGINEERS EUROPE. We spoke with him about the added value of the EU STEM Coalition, the “...