EU STEM Coalition - General Assembly: Copenhagen

EU STEM Coalition - General Assembly: Copenhagen

29 September 2016
Host organisation: 
Copenhagen (Metropolitan University College)
Short summary: 

On September 29, 2016 the General Meeting of the EU STEM Coalition took place in Copenhagen, Denmark. The meeting was hosted and co-organised by the Danish STEM platform (ASTRA) and was the kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ project of the EU STEM Coalition.

On September 29, 2016 the General Meeting of the EU STEM Coalition took place in Copenhagen, Denmark. The meeting was hosted and co-organised by the Danish STEM platform (ASTRA).


The meeting took place at the premises of Metropolitan University College, and started with a tour of the Danish STEM week-activities that were taking place simultaneously. The morning programme focused on the Technology Pact approach and the Danish Technology Pact that is currently being developed. Presentations were held by Mikkel Bohm, director of the Danish STEM platform and Beatrice Boots, director of the Dutch STEM platform in which the Technology Pact approach was further explained.


The afternoon programme consisted of presentations on the Hungarian STEM strategy, presented by Nádái László, vice-rector of Óbuda University (HU), the Pact for Youth of CSR Europe and the European Commission, presented by Yvette Sweringa, project manager of CSR Europe and the project, presented by Geert Asselbergs, project manager of the Dutch STEM platform (Platform Bèta Techniek). All presentations are available through this link.