Flemish STEM Plan (Dutch only)

Flemish STEM Plan (Dutch only)

Source / author: 
Government of Flanders
Publication date: 
15 January 2012
Publication type: 
Policy and strategy

The Flemish STEM plan ('Actieplan voor het stimuleren van loopbanen in wiskunde, exacte wetenschappen en techniek, 2012-2020') is the overarching STEM strategy for the Belgian region of Flanders. It responds to the request of the Flemish parlement to increase the number of STEM graduates and covers the policy domains of the Flemish ministry of Education, Labour, Social Affairs, Economy and Science and Innovation. 


The Flemish STEM plan introduces an integrated approach in which not only government, but also key stakeholders in education, industry and the media play an important role. The plan also aims to clarify and coordinate the multitude of existing initiatives in Flanders and provides a thorough quantitative analysis of the current state of affairs and policy context.