The STEAMcat Plan is an initiative ('regional STEM strategy') of the Catalan Government that responds to the current shortages / labour market demands in specific sectors related to science and technology. The plan seeks to promote STEM among young people, especially girls, groups at risk of social exclusion and with a low socio-economic background. The STEAMcat Plan was developed by a working group made up of representatives of the Department of Education (coordinator) the Department of the Presidency (Secretariat for Telecommunications, Cybersecurity and the Digital Society), the Department of Business and Knowledge and each of the Catalan universities. The plan was officially presented on May 31, 2017 by the heads of the aforementioned ministries.
The STEAMcat Plan was officially updated / relaunched in 2019 by three Catalan ministries. It includes an in-depth quantitative assessment of the current state of affairs related to STEM in Catalonia. The main objectives of the STEMcat Plan are: