
Smartgene STEAM extracurricular school

Short summary: 

Smartgene is an extracurricular private hobby school that consists of different extracurricular STEAM activities and classes for children in the kindergarten until classes 4-6, including robotics class, electronics class, science class, landscaping & architecture class, and “future skills class”.

Description and objectives: 

Smartgene is an extracurricular private hobby school that consists of different extracurricular STEAM activities and classes for children in the kindergarten until classes 4-6, including robotics class, electronics class, science class, landscaping & architecture class, and “future skills class”. All the classes take place once a week.


Smartgene also organizes STEAM city camps during school vacations, aimed at children aged 7-13 years. The mission of Smartgene is to be a safe and instructive environment for children to learn STEM subjects through targeted games.


The objective of Smartgene is to encourage children to playfully solve real life everyday problems. Since the demand for STEAM proficiency increases in Estonia every year, Smartgene has developed extracurricular classes to introduce children at early ages science, robotics, and electronic areas. It's impact is measured by the number of kids participating in the extracurricular classes and camps.


The objectives are related to Estonia's broader government strategy to raise the popularity of science and IT as a career choice due to the fact that Estonia is facing a reality, where the demand for such professionals is higher than the supply. In addition, it is associated with the aim to develop a research-intensive economy.

Logo or photo: 
Nutigeen OÜ

Smartgene gives the opportunity for young people to get acquainted with different STEAM subject from the early age. Children learn through active and interactive play how to solve everyday problems. They get the opportunity to use their critical thinking and problem-solving skills based on the principles of the natural sciences, engineering, and mathematics.


The Smartgene city camps each are meant for up to 30 children, and every year over 400 children participate in the Smartgene classes.

Budget and funding model: 

The programme’s funding mechanism is based on the membership model – the funding depends on the children participating in the hobby school. All the Smartgene classes have a monthly fee for a child participating in the classes.

Year start: 

NPO Robotics

Short summary: 

The NPO Robotics programme includes a range of well-known robotics-related education activities in Estonia, including FIRST Lego League and RoboMiku.

Description and objectives: 

The NPO Robotics programme aims to offer different learning and competition opportunities in robotics. The NPO Robotics has several different projects and outcomes and some of its programmes are connected to international initiatives and competitions:


  • Competition RoboMiku - gives pupils the opportunity to build their own robot individually or in teams and put them to the test. The competition has different categories depending on the robot and age of the pupil
  • First Lego League - a three-part robotics program meant for different age groups and based on that, have different difficulty levels. The aim is to popularize science and technology in a fun way. With that, other necessary skills and knowledge are being developed.
  • School visits - workshops in robotics are offered to the interested schools. In one workshop, 20 students can participate. The necessary tools, equipment, robots and instructors are visiting schools all over Estonia
  • Several projects that aim to promote robotics in pupils and teachers. They also offer additional training to teachers so that robotics would be a natural part of the curriculum.


The objective is to give young people practical knowledge about technology and robotics. The main focus is on practical knowledge and opportunity to work with technology that otherwise may not be available in schools. In addition, students have the opportunity to compete with each other.


The objectives are related to Estonia's broader government strategy to raise the popularity of engineering and technology as a career path. The aim is also to develop the STEM teachers so that the teaching quality would be high and the used methods modern and in compliance with the needs of the students.

Logo or photo: 
NPO Robotics

The Robotics competitions and workshops have a direct impact on pupils to learn more about robotics and technology. Within the last few years, the number of applicants to the IT and robotics curricula has increased. It meets the countries need to have more IT competence both in the public and private sector.


In every year NPO Robotics reaches with its different activities to thousands of young people all over Estonia.


In 2019, more than 650 students and about 100 teachers participated in the RoboMiku competition. In the FIRST LEGO League, there were more than 40 best teams as finalists taking part in the competition.

Budget and funding model: 

Funding of the activities is based on different finance sources:

  • EU programmes, such as Erasmus+ and European Regional Development Fund
  • Project-based funding by the Ministry of Education and Research, HITSA, University of Tartu
  • Funding from private companies
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Year start: 
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