Cutting-edge Science to the Classroom

Cutting-edge Science to the Classroom

Short summary: 

In the framework of the Cutting-edge Science to the Classroom programme lectures are held by internationally recognized researchers on cutting-edge topics such as cell biology, genetics, mathematics, and quantum toptics.

Description and objectives: 

The aim of these programmes is to introduce the most modern technologies and solutions to the audience. The goal of the program is to provide more comprehensive knowledge for the teachers working in the STEM fields by disseminating the most novel research results, new methods and teaching contents.
Expert teachers and researchers give lectures on research developments and difficulties, and the possible ethical aspects of these fields.             

Logo or photo: 
Obuda University

The goal of the program is to get the most up-to-date knowledge from a recognized researcher or teacher.


The program currently involves about 300 students and 4 lecturers.

Budget and funding model: 

The program is funded by the EU, the Hungarian state and the University of Obuda.

Year start: 
Taskforce dosssier: 
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